The silent cost of your business

In the chaos that is managing your own business or being a mom boss, it's a constant struggle to carve out time for family. Why does it feel like there's never enough time in the day? We're caught in an unforgiving cycle of work, chores, tasks, putting out fires, and trying to remember to drink water - barely leaving room for anything else. If there's a gap in our schedule, we instinctively fill it with more work, neglecting the opportunity to invest more in our loved ones or ourselves.

This never-ending busyness takes a toll my love.  Do you even realize it?  We wake up exhausted, snapping at our partners, and feeling drained even at the thought of spending time with our kids.  We can’t even imagine getting off the couch to do one more damn thing, even if it is to spend time with the kids.  But research tells us a different story. A study in the Journal of Applied Psychology highlights how long work hours contribute to work-family conflict, leading to stress-related health issues.  There are very real costs associated with your over-working.  Very real, and very long lasting for the generations to come.

I recently worked with a client who epitomized this struggle. Driven by perfectionism, she poured endless hours into her work, sacrificing family time and straining her relationships. Despite her dedication, her overwork didn't yield the desired results for her clients or her family.  She was tired, pissed off a big client, and didn’t even know how to have a normal conversation with her spouse anymore.  It was a wake-up call that achieving whole-life balance required a shift in priorities, followed by strategic action.

So, what's the answer, cause there has to be one, right? Family first, always. It's not just about being physically present but emotionally and mentally available for your loved ones. While missing occasional events may be inevitable, it should be the exception, not the norm. I help clients realign their schedules to prioritize what truly matters, ensuring that family time isn't just another item on the to-do list.

In essence, finding balance isn't about working harder; it's about working smarter. It's recognizing that success isn't solely measured by productivity but by the richness of our relationships and the joy we find in the moments spent with those we love.  Let’s be honest, family isn't a luxury but a requirement for our well-being and fulfillment.


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